Musculoskeletal painful Disorders present significant societal and economic challenges. In Europe, 200 million individuals experience persistent musculoskeletal pain, incurring a substantial economic cost. Despite their prevalence, current healthcare systems struggle to address this issue effectively, resulting in high costs, service burden, and decreased workplace productivity. The delayed transition of scientific knowledge into clinical practice and also de general population, averaging 17 years, compounds the problem. The EU Erasmus+ Alliance for Innovation aims to address these challenges by facilitating the flow of knowledge and innovation. The overarching objectives include 1) reducing skills mismatches among healthcare professionals to enhance their ability to acquire and apply evidence-based knowledge regarding self-management and education in musculoskeletal clinical practice, utilizing digital resources, and 2) improving musculoskeletal health literacy and digital skills in non-health professionals’ communities to enhance self-management skills, ultimately mitigating the negative impact of musculoskeletal painful disorders in Europe. These objectives focus on facilitating a swift and effective flow of knowledge related to musculoskeletal health to both health professionals and the general population.
We help you to improve your knowledge and decisions on musculoskeletal health
Musculoskeletal pain presents significant societal and economic challenges. In Europe, 200 million individuals experience persistent musculoskeletal pain, incurring a substantial economic cost. Despite their prevalence, current healthcare systems struggle to address this issue effectively, resulting in high costs, service burden, and decreased workplace productivity. The delayed transition of scientific knowledge into clinical practice and the general population, averaging 17 years, compounds the problem. The EU Erasmus+ Alliance for Innovation aims to address these challenges by facilitating the flow of knowledge and innovation.
The overarching objectives include 1) reducing skills mismatches among healthcare professionals to enhance their ability to acquire and apply evidence-based knowledge regarding self-management and education in musculoskeletal clinical practice via utilizing digital resources, and 2) improving musculoskeletal health literacy and digital skills in non-health professionals’ communities to enhance self-management skills, ultimately mitigating the negative impact of musculoskeletal painful disorders in Europe. These objectives focus on facilitating a swift and effective flow of knowledge related to musculoskeletal health to both health professionals and the general population.
The Project step-by-step
Phase 1
Scientific Literature Review
We will review the scientific literature searching for the latest and best evidence regarding self-management of musculoskeletal pain, as well as the best educational methods for health care professionals specialised in the musculoskeletal field.
Phase 2
Digital Behavior
We will investigate the phenomena of people finding information on the internet about musculoskeletal health. This way, we will improve the way people are exposed to the highest quality information on musculoskeletal pain and the way professionals assess this aspect for patients.
Phase 3
Questionnaires development
We will generate two independent tools:
1) to assess basic competences and knowledge on musculoskeletal health literacy of patients;
2) to standardise the collection of information related to people's health information seeking behaviour on the internet.
Phase 4
Content development and implementation
Finally, we will also create high quality materials such as webinars and online courses to improve knowledge on musculoskeletal painful disorders.