
We are excited to announce an upcoming symposium that will delve into innovative strategies for optimizing self-management in musculoskeletal (MSK) pain. This event is part of our ongoing efforts to provide cutting-edge insights and foster collaboration among professionals dedicated to improving patient outcomes in this challenging field.


Event Details:

  • Date: 16th September

  • Time: 16:30 – 18:30

  • Location: Aalborg University, Selma Lagerløfs Vej 249, Room: Retina 4

    Online Access: The symposium will also be accessible via Zoom, with simultaneous translation into Spanish available for attendees.


Please note that registration is mandatory for both in-person and online attendance. You can sign up through the registration form available at the following link: Register Here.




This symposium will feature two distinguished experts in the field of pain management, who will share their insights and research findings on the use of psychological approaches and exercise as key components in the management of chronic musculoskeletal pain.




  1. Psychological Approaches in MSK Pain Management

  • Presenter: Prof. Tonny Elmose Andersen, Professor in Pain Psychology

  • Title: How can psychological approaches be used to optimise self-management in MSK pain?

Prof. Andersen will explore how psychological strategies can be effectively utilized to enhance self-management in individuals suffering from MSK pain. His talk will cover commonly used psychological approaches, the critical considerations required for their successful application, and the potential pitfalls to be aware of. This session is a must-attend for anyone interested in integrating psychological principles into pain management practices.



  1. Exercise as a Treatment for Chronic MSK Pain

  • Presenter: Dr. Mervyn J. Travers, Senior Research Scholar and Specialist in MSK Pain Management

  • Title: Exercise as a treatment for chronic musculoskeletal pain – 60% of the time it works every time.

Dr. Travers will critically examine the role of exercise as a therapeutic tool for chronic MSK pain. Despite its widespread recommendation, the gap between the proposed mechanisms and the actual evidence supporting exercise as an effective treatment will be discussed. Dr. Travers will introduce the Fitness-For-Purpose-Model, offering a more comprehensive framework for exercise prescription aimed at managing chronic low back pain and other types of musculoskeletal pain.


Why Attend?

This symposium offers a unique opportunity to gain insights from leading experts in the field of MSK pain management. Whether you are a healthcare professional, researcher, or student, the knowledge shared in these sessions will be invaluable in enhancing your understanding of the complexities involved in managing chronic pain through psychological and physical interventions.


We look forward to welcoming  you to what promises to be an informative and thought-provoking event. Don’t miss the chance to expand your knowledge and engage in meaningful discussions with peers and experts in the field.

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